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Educators 2016-17 Merit Calculator Free

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Enter Your Marks Below To Calculate Educators 2016-17 Aggregate

Note: Aggregate will be displayed at the end of this calculator


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:Total Marks


Graduation(Convert CGPA into Marks)


Professional Qualification

NTS Marks



Government of The Punjab, Punjab School Education Department (Recruitment Test for Educators 2016-2017)

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Government of The Punjab,

Punjab School Education Department

(Recruitment Test for Educators 2016-2017)


List of Candidates For the Posts of
Elementary School Educator (BPS-9)
Secondary School Educator (Biology) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Chemistry) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Computer Science) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Mathematics) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Physics) (BPS-16)
Senior Elementary School Educator (Arabic) (BPS-14)
Senior Elementary School Educator (DM) (BPS-14)
Senior Elementary School Educator (English) (BPS-14)

Test Dates : Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd October 2016


Free Picture Resizer (Reduces the Picture size in kilo/megabits/By size/By Percentage)

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By Hassan


  1. Resize pictures 
  2. Convert them to the BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF format.
  3. The user interface of the program consists of a standard window which doesn't contain any hidden options.
  4. Gtarted by inputting the source images via the file browser (the "drag and drop" method is not supported but batch processing is).
  5. You can copy the entire directory structure or images stored in subfolders, as well as select the new size (keep 100%, equal width or height; or you can just adjust the size of a larger dimension).
  6. Select one of the  file formats for the output (or just keep the original one).
  7. Check the options to enlarge the picture if needed, to apply a grayscale filter and to save the EXIF data.
  8. Adjust the DPI level, move the sample image to the center or top left part of the screen, make it landscape or portrait, or simply apply the settings recommended by PIXresizer with the simple click of a button.
  9. The program takes up a very low amount of system CPU and memory, contains a well-drawn help file with tutorials and snapshots, and didn't pop up any errors during our tests.
  10. On the other hand, PIXresizer can take a long time to process several pictures but even so, the outputs have a very good image quality. 
  11. Recommend this software to all users.




Communication Systems 4th Edition by Simon Haykin

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Communication Systems 4th Edition by Simon Haykin

Click Here To Download*

*Note: To Download this book, just click on above link and wait 5 seconds then click on "skip add" and the book is ready to download


PEC Grade 5 and Grade 8 Result

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PEC Grade 5 and Grade 8 Result

Click Here To Check Grade 5 And Grade 8 Result


Phase-2 Educators NTS Test Result Answer Keys

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Phase-2 Educators NTS Result For Test Held on 25,26 and 27 march has been Announced. Click on the link given below to get All Answer Keys http://sh.st/YQtgE



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An investigative process of learning in which students are asked to
pose questions, analyze data, develop conclusions or generalizations, 
classify, predict, and experiment.

An inquiry process in which learners pose questions and seek
Learning based on a small group approach to teaching in which
students are held accountable for both individual and group
achievement. Activities include pair-share, jigsaw, teams, games, and
Students work together collaboratively in solving a problem or
examining a situation. The benefits of collaborative learning are that it
brings many perspectives to a problem, which in turn develops
problem solving and mediation skills.
Allows an educator to arrange any number of learning components or
tasks into a “map” or plan to be accomplished.
A cooperative learning grouping in which students meet together for small
group discussions among themselves. The elements of a discussion model
*Small number of students, preferable 6-8
*Recognition of a common problem or topic
* Introduction, exchange, and evaluation of ideas and
* Movement toward some objective or goal
* Verbal interaction
Used particularly in science classes where students test out their hypothesis.
Students self-select a project that they would like to work on and all
learning that occurs is centered around their project and ties in with it in
some way.
A pretend setting or situation that parallels a real-world setting or situation
and allows students to practice problem-solving skills.


Cooperative Learning is a specific type of small group learning which has the
following five essential elements: 
1. Positive Interdependence
2. Face-to-Face Interaction
3. Individual Accountability (Personal Responsibility)
4. Structured Activitiy
5. Teamwork Skills and Group Processing
Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and
A constructivist approach. Students begin learning with an activity designed
to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions. Students acquire basic
and advanced knowledge in random order.
Practice done without intervention by the teacher. This approach includes
many activities done with a computer.
Traditional elementary and secondary classrooms divide instruction into
categories (disciplines) such as "reading," "math," and "social studies."
Interdisciplinary teaching involves any effort on the part of an instructor to
design learning activities with products and activities to relate to more than
one discipline.
Any of several forms of graphical organizers which allow learners to
perceive relationships between concepts through diagramming keywords
representing those concepts. Originally developed by Joseph Novak in the
A system in which students solve problems or answer questions by forming tentative answers (hypotheses), then collecting and analyzing data to
provide evidence for or against their hypotheses.
Have students apply "who, what, when, where, why, how" to all problems.
Or ask students to generate questions

Placement test
for placing students at a particular level, school, or college.
Achievement tests
: for measuring the achievement of a candidate in a particular 
course either during or at the end of the course.
Diagnostic tests
: for determining the problems of a student in a particular area, task,
course, or programme. Diagnostic tests also bring out areas of difficulty of a student
for the purpose of remediation.
Aptitude tests
: are designed to determine the aptitude of a student for a particular
task, course, programme, job, etc.
Predictive tests
: designed to be able to predict the learning outcomes of the candidate. A predictive test is able to predict or forecast that if the candidate is able to pass a particular test, he/she will be able to carry out a particular task, skill, course, action, or programme

Cooperative Learning is a specific type of small group learning which has the
following five essential elements: 
1. Positive Interdependence
2. Face-to-Face Interaction
3. Individual Accountability (Personal Responsibility)
4. Structured Activitiy
5. Teamwork Skills and Group Processing
Teacher-centered instruction which includes lecture, presentation, and

A constructivist approach. Students begin learning with an activity designed
to lead them to particular concepts or conclusions. Students acquire basic
and advanced knowledge in random order.
Practice done without intervention by the teacher. This approach includes
many activities done with a computer.
Traditional elementary and secondary classrooms divide instruction into
categories (disciplines) such as "reading," "math," and "social studies."
Interdisciplinary teaching involves any effort on the part of an instructor to
design learning activities with products and activities to relate to more than
one discipline.
Any of several forms of graphical organizers which allow learners to
perceive relationships between concepts through diagramming keywords
representing those concepts. Originally developed by Joseph Novak in the
A system in which students solve problems or answer questions by forming tentative answers (hypotheses), then collecting and analyzing data to
provide evidence for or against their hypotheses.
Have students apply "who, what, when, where, why, how" to all problems.
Or ask students to generate questions



Whats is Difficulty Level, Placement test , SCORING ASSESSMENTS And STUDENT-CENTERED MODELS

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Whats is Difficulty Level, Placement test , Scoring Asessments 

Difficulty Level 

By difficulty level we mean the number of candidates that got a particular item right in any given test. For example, if in a class of 45 students, 30 of the students got a question correctly, then the difficulty level is 67% or 0.67. The proportion usually ranges from 0 to 1
or 0 to 100%. An item with an index of 0 is too difficult hence everybody missed it while that of 1 is too
easy as everybody got it right. Items with index of 0.5 are usually suitablefor inclusion in a

This is the lowest level of the learning outcomes in the affective domain.
It means attending. It is the learner’s willingness to attend to a particular
stimulus or his being sensitive to the existence of a given problem,
event, condition or situation.
In this case the learner responds to the event by participating. He does
not only attend, he also reacts by doing something.
Objective test items
Types of Objectives tests Items
Short answers
Matching and
Multiple choice items.
Supply Test Items
This is the type of test item, which requires the testee to give very brief
answers to the questions. These answers may be a word, a phrase, a
number, a symbol or symbols etc
Selection Test Items
This is the type where possible alternatives are provided for the testee to
choose the most appropriate or the correct option
The Multiple Choice Test Items
The multiple choice item consists of two parts – a problem and a list of
suggested solutions. The problem generally referred to as the stem may
be stated as a direct question or an incomplete statement while the
suggested solutions generally referred to as the alternatives, choices or
options may include words, numbers, symbols or phrases. In its
standard form, one of the options of the multiple choice item is the
correct or best answer and the others are intended to mislead, foil, or
distract examinees from the correct option and are therefore called
distracters, foils or decoys

Placement test

for placing students at a particular level, school, or college.
Achievement tests
: for measuring the achievement of a candidate in a particular 
course either during or at the end of the course.
Diagnostic tests
: for determining the problems of a student in a particular area, task,
course, or programme. Diagnostic tests also bring out areas of difficulty of a student
for the purpose of remediation.
Aptitude tests
: are designed to determine the aptitude of a student for a particular
task, course, programme, job, etc.
Predictive tests
: designed to be able to predict the learning outcomes of the candidate. A predictive test is able to predict or forecast that if the candidate is able to pass a particular test, he/she will be able to carry out a particular task, skill, course, action, or programme.


Analytical scoring
Analytical scoring: the assessment of student performance by means
of a rating system.
Holistic scoring
Holistic scoring: the assessment of a student’s work in its entirely
rather than judging specific parts.
Rubrics •
Rubrics: examples of different types, models, illustrations, or levels
of possible responses that are used as guidelines for assessing
student work


An investigative process of learning in which students are asked to
pose questions, analyze data, develop conclusions or generalizations, 
classify, predict, and experiment.

An inquiry process in which learners pose questions and seek
Learning based on a small group approach to teaching in which
students are held accountable for both individual and group
achievement. Activities include pair-share, jigsaw, teams, games, and
Students work together collaboratively in solving a problem or
examining a situation. The benefits of collaborative learning are that it
brings many perspectives to a problem, which in turn develops
problem solving and mediation skills.
Allows an educator to arrange any number of learning components or
tasks into a “map” or plan to be accomplished.
A cooperative learning grouping in which students meet together for small
group discussions among themselves. The elements of a discussion model
*Small number of students, preferable 6-8
*Recognition of a common problem or topic
* Introduction, exchange, and evaluation of ideas and
* Movement toward some objective or goal
* Verbal interaction
Used particularly in science classes where students test out their hypothesis.
Students self-select a project that they would like to work on and all
learning that occurs is centered around their project and ties in with it in
some way.
A pretend setting or situation that parallels a real-world setting or situation
and allows students to practice problem-solving skills.



NTS Educators Phase-1 Questions With Answers

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NTS Educators Phase-1 Questions With Answers

Answers for above are: C D A B

Answers for above are  B D D A

 Answers for above pic 16-d,17-a,18-d,19-d,20-a,21-a

----Which neurotranmitter involes in pain relief?

------Which human part help in electrlye balance?

Models of curriculum development for all scales:
Hilda Taba Model: (deductive/inductive) 7 Steps
Oliva Mode( Didactic): total 12 components and 17 steps
Ralph Tyler (deductive) 4 steps
the saylor and alexdar model" 4 major goals

NTS paper 19th march (2.30pm) for bps 9 (arts)

1. what is the time period of Hazrat Umer(r.a) as caliph?
2."Akbari" kis novel ka character ha?
3.Amiba lives in?
4.Name the wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) who was daughter of Hazrat Umer(R.A)?
5.Non.salary buget can be used for which purpose?
6.For FTF how much money can take from students?
7.unity , faith and disipline kis ka kol ha?
8. when we get success ,,we linked it to.......?
9. what is chold of circle?
10. if the rates of apple in last week were
90,98,100,94 then what will be averege of apple rates?
11.masnavi k kia matlb ha? (urdu ka q ha)
12.sub sa ziada mashoor masnavi kon si ha?
13. kon say classical gazal go ki gazhal ma nishatia rung nazar atta ha?
14.Marciye ka kitny hisy ha?
15. Qasidy ka dosra hisa kon sa ha?
16.Iqbal ny kis k letter ma shikwa, jawab-e-shikwa pr (?) likny ka kaha?
17. Battle of Hunain was fought in which islamic month?

Today's Questions. BSP9 (Arts)
1. Last ruler of mughal emperor?(B.S.Zafar)
2. Injiel (Bible) revealed on? (Jesus)

3. Which surah is on the name ofwa gazwa? (Surah e Ahzab)
4. SEATO stands for (South East Teraty Organisation)
5. Which express way links China and Pakistan (Kurakurm..
6. Which gases are present in Sugar (CHO)
7. Last stage of Coginative domain (Knowledge)
8. Ftf is collected by (students)
9. How much ftf is collected by Eng. Medium students (20)
10. Where Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was sent at the age of 12 for trade (Syria)
11. Zia ul Haq put marsal law in (july 1977)
12. Where Hazrat Khadija took Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. after 1st revelation (warqa bin nufal)
13. Aids is caused by(sexually transmited..)
14. Mango's seed is (cotiladen)
15. Diabtese caused due to lack of (Insoline)
16. When Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. went to miraj and Isra (after 10th year of Prophethood)
17. On which event salat is given (Miraj)
18. Decimal % of 43/2 (0.215)
19. When did Sir Syed Khan give the idea of two nations (1867)
20. Syn. Of riddle (enigma)

1. NTS SSE CS Some Questions:

2 What is highest in bloom taxonomy? Eavaluation
3 Which Part of body produce bile? liver
4 who is called Zulnorain? Hazrat Usman R.A
5 Wht is multithreding? two portions of task running at same time
6 When zakat was levied? 2 Hijri
7 World war? 1857
8 Studnts r not active in? lecture methd

1, zunoorain kis sahabi ka laqab hai? (Hazrat Usman r.a)

2. Independence plan 1947 date (3 rd june)
3. Zakat kab farz hoe (2a.h)
4. Blue baby sandroom kia hai?
5. Calcium ki kami ki waja sy kia problem ho sakta hai....?
6. Quaid e azam ny 1947 men indelendence plan k liey kis say mulaqat ki?
7. Eak abadi k 95% log apny malikiati gharon main rehty hain aur un 95% ka 40% log air condition gharon men rehty hain baten kul ka kitny % log air condition gharon men rehty hai ( i think 38%)
8. If f(x)=x3 then function is called (onto function not confirm)
9. Evaluate √x2/9+x2/16 (ans 5x/12)
10. how many states a Flip flop has ( ans 2)


1.Safar e mairaj nabowat k kon se saal hoa.? 10th
2.China n Pakistan ko konsa pahari silsla milata hai .?? karakaram
3.first shia Muslim empire konse thy?
4.kon se kamee se diabetes hoti hai.? 
5.Plants mn gasses ka tabadla ks k zariey hota hai .?  stomata
6.zia ul haq ne kab marshal law lgaya.? july 1977

7 in which islamic month ghazwa uhad
was fought?  Shawal
8. test that determines success percent in
a. assesement
b. achievement
c. aptitude

ESE 9(11:30)

1. First Shia muslim state kis nain bnai?
2. sir syed nain kb two nation theory ki hamayat ki?
3. kon c gass weather baloom main shamil hoti hai?
4. Zia Ul Haq nain kb marshal Law lgaya?
5. FTF kin say collect kia jata hai?
6, english mediuam school sayFTF kitna lia jata hai?
7, Mango seed kia hai?(monocot,dicot,)
8, Basic numaric skill kon c hai?(divide,logartham,set,)
9, sugar kis ka compound?
10,Salat became Obligation after?(Migration,Miraj,safr.e.taif)
11, wo kon sa ghazwa hai jis k name say quran main aik surat bhi hai?(badar,ahzab,uhad,)
12,rozay k bary main kis surat main kaha gaya hai?(al.imran ,al baqra)
13, 1500BC pehly kis nain bar,e,saghir ko fatah kia tha??/
14, Anjeel kis pay utri hai ?(Jesus)
15, wo kon c report hai jo hindu-muslim unity kio sabotag karti hai?(qaid.e.azam, nehro, gandhi)
16, akhri mughal badshah?
17, (43/2)% ko decimal main shift karein?
18, 75,80,90,105,110 ki average?
19, kon c chez itom bonb main use hoti hai?(uriunim)
20, school rcord kon maintain karta hai?
21, SEAT kis ka abrivation hai?
22, miraj pay hazoor kb gay thy?(2,4,6,10 year of nabuwat)
23, tehzib.o.ikhlaq risala kis maqsad k liay nikala gaya?(tehzib, ikhlaq, siasat,islah)
24, international school safety meeting 2015 main kis city main hui?
25, first stage of bloom texonomy

Today's Questions. BSP9 (Arts)

1. Last ruler of mughal emperor?(B.S.Zafar)
2. Injiel (Bible) revealed on? (Jesus)
3. Which surah is on the name ofwa gazwa? (Surah e Ahzab)
4. SEATO stands for (South East Teraty Organisation)
5. Which express way links China and Pakistan (Kurakurm..
6. Which gases are present in Sugar (CHO)
7. Last stage of Coginative domain (Knowledge)
8. Ftf is collected by (students)
9. How much ftf is collected by Eng. Medium students (20)
10. Where Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was sent at the age of 12 for trade (Syria)
11. Zia ul Haq put marsal law in (july 1977)
12. Where Hazrat Khadija took Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. after 1st revelation (warqa bin nufal)
13. Aids is caused by(sexually transmited..)
14. Mango's seed is (cotiladen)
15. Diabtese caused due to lack of (Insoline)
16. When Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. went to miraj and Isra (after 10th year of Prophethood)
17. On which event salat is given (Miraj)
18. Decimal % of 43/2 (0.215)
19. When did Sir Syed Khan give the idea of two nations (1867)
20. Syn. Of riddle (enigma)

 Last ruler of mughal emperor?(B.S.Zafar)

2. Injiel (Bible) revealed on? (Jesus)
3. Which surah is on the name ofwa gazwa? (Surah e Ahzab)
4. SEATO stands for (South East Teraty Organisation)
5. Which express way links China and Pakistan (Kurakurm..
6. Which gases are present in Sugar (CHO)
7. Last stage of Coginative domain (Knowledge)
8. Ftf is collected by (students)
9. How much ftf is collected by Eng. Medium students (20)
10. Where Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was sent at the age of 12 for trade (Syria)
11. Zia ul Haq put marsal law in (july 1977)
12. Where Hazrat Khadija took Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. after 1st revelation (warqa bin nufal)
13. Aids is caused by(sexually transmited..)
14. Mango's seed is (cotiladen)
15. Diabtese caused due to lack of (Insoline)
16. When Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. went to miraj and Isra (after 10th year of Prophethood)
17. On which event salat is given (Miraj)
18. Decimal % of 43/2 (0.215)
19. When did Sir Syed Khan give the idea of two nations (1867)
20. Syn. Of riddle (enigma)

which not the component of Early child educational

a development of skills and behaviour
b creative
c literacy (Ans)
d the world around us
Levels of psycomotor domain- 7 levels
and More
Cognitive domain knwledge based: 6 Levels
Affective domain emotive based = 5 Levels
Martial Laws:
1958 BY General Ayub Khan
1969 BY General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan
1977 BY General Ziaul Haq

Question in PET Test
1. 2nd name of lordosis... hollow back
2. Scoliosis is related with... spinal cord
3. Long bones in body... acts as a liver 
3. Blood is a type of... muscle tissue
4. Tissue that connects muscles with bones.... tendon
5. Earthquake came in 2005.... it killed
6. When The holly Prophet P.B.U.h migrated out of the town the crowd came......after and throw stones on Him
7. Courage:rash::?????
8. 1971 is memorable for... division
9. Mostly People hyper with each other due to... illiteracy, justice
10. Bones of hand... metacarpals
11. If A=(1,-1) and B=(1,2) solve A×B
12. If the price of a product is 800 in wholesale calculate the total price with 20% profit.... 960
13. In a class of 100 boys a survey for job.. 40 said yes and 60 said no.. tell the ratio b/w who said no with total...3/5
14. In student friendly institutions for how many students a separate toilet would be provided....50,90,130,150
15. Result with the same answer called... reliable
16. Division of lesson into small parts... compression
17. In binging of islam the worist enemy... banu hashim..

Today's Questions. BSP9 (Arts)11 a.m

1. Last ruler of mughal emperor?(B.S.Zafar)
2. Injiel (Bible) revealed on? (Jesus)
3. Which surah is on the name ofwa gazwa? (Surah e Ahzab)
4. SEATO stands for (South East Teraty Organisation)
5. Which express way links China and Pakistan (Kurakurm..
6. Which gases are present in Sugar (CHO)
7. Last stage of Coginative domain (Knowledge)
8. Ftf is collected by (students)
9. How much ftf is collected by Eng. Medium students (20)
10. Where Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) was sent at the age of 12 for trade (Syria)
11. Zia ul Haq put marsal law in (july 1977)
12. Where Hazrat Khadija took Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. after 1st revelation (warqa bin nufal)
13. Aids is caused by(sexually transmited..)
14. Mango's seed is (cotiladen)
15. Diabtese caused due to lack of (Insoline)
16. When Hazrat Muhmmad S.A.W.W. went to miraj and Isra (after 10th year of Prophethood)
17. On which event salat is given (Miraj)
18. Decimal % of 43/2 (0.215)
19. When did Sir Syed Khan give the idea of two nations (1867)
20. Syn. Of riddle (enigma)

• First Ghazwa is Widdan or Abwa in 1 A.H
• 624 Battle of Badr.2hij
• 625 Battle of Uhad. 3hij
• 626 Battle of Rajih.4hij
• 627 Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij
• 628, Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij
• 629, Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings.7hij
• 630, Battle of Hunain, Conquest of Makkah.8hij
• 631, Battle of Tabuk. 9hij
• 632, Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij
• 680, Tragedy of Karballah.61hij
• Badr is a village.
• Battle of Bard was fought on 17th Ramzan.
• Battle of Uhd was fought on 5th Shawal.
• Battle Badar Ghazwa is named as Furqan.
• Uhd is a hill.
• Yom-ul Furaqn is called to Yom ul Badar.
• Fath Mobeen is called to Sulah Hudaibiah.
• Number of soldiers in Badar, Muslim 313 Kufar 1000
• After Badr conquest, Prophet stayed for 3 days there.
• Badr was fought for 3 times.
• Martyr of Badr Muslims 14 Kufar 70
• Leader of the Kufar in this battle was Abu Jahl.
• Number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad 70
• In Uhad quraish were laid by Abu Sufwan.
• In Uhad number of Muslim soldiers 1000 kufar 3000.
• Ahzab means Allies.
• Ditch dug on border of Syria with help of 3000 companions in 2 weeks.
• Muslim strength 1600.
• Khyber was captured in 20 days.
• During Ghazwa Bani Nuzair wine was prohibited.
• The battle of Khandaq is also known an battle of Ahzab.
• Conquest of Makkah was took place on 20 Ramzan.
• Battle in which prophet not participated is known as Saria.
• Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of Islamic Army.
• In Uhd battle Muslim women participated firstly.
• Battle of Mauta was the first non Arab War.
• 3000 was the number of musims at the battle of Ditch.
• 10,000 at the conquest of Makkah.
• 30,000 at the time of Tabuk.
• Last Ghazwa- Tabuk.
• For 20 days Prophet stayed at Tabuk.
• Total number of Sarias is 53 or 56.
• Porphet was the commander in the expedition of Tabuk.
• First Islamic Non Arab was battle of Mautta 8. A.H..
• The person killed by the Holy Prophet was Ubay Bin Kalf.
• In Battle of Uhad, the teeth of Holy Prophet were martyred.
• Khalid bin Walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in battle Moata.
• Abu Jahal was killed in Battle of Badr by Maaz (add)
• In Hudabiya Sohail bin Amru represented Quraysh.
• Battle of Hunain fought b/w Muslims and Hawazin Tribe.
• Batttle of Tabuk was against the Roman Emperor Heraclius.
• The first Shaheed (Martyr) was Amaar bin Yaasir
• First female martyr: Summaya (mother of Amaar bin Yaasir)
• The first person to be martyred in the Battle of Badr was the freed slave of Hazrat Umar : Muhaj’jah
• Khalid bin Walid was removed from the service in the reign of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). He was removed in 17 A.H.
• Battle of chains was fought b/w Persians and the Muslims.
• Umar bin Abdual Aziz is considered as the 5th Khalifa.
• Abdul Malik was the poet ruler of Ummaya.
• Karballa took place on 10th Muharram 61 A.H/ 680 A.D
• Salahuddin Ayubi was of Abbasid dynasty.
• Halaku Khan came to power after Abbasids.
• Al Qanun was written by Ibn-i-Sina.
• Ibn Khuldun is called founder of sociology.


NTS Educator Paper Held on 18-03-2016

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NTS Educator BPS-14 Math Paper Held on 18-03-2016

Important Information About Early Islamic History



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In Pakistan,on 9th September 2009, The Govt of Punjab approved New Education Policy and contained a full section on Early Child Education.
Students are prepared to teach in diverse and inclusive environments, including homes, schools, and other community settings, which serve children from birth to age 8 and their families.

Early Learning
During the first few years of life, a child learns a lot about themselves and the world around them, and parents are their first teachers. Parents teach them how to speak, how to walk, how to feed themselves
-Play ( rather than focus on regimes that require role-learning.
-Affect development changes in children before they enter into formal class,grade or primary school
Preparation of lesson plans with toys,games,audio and video materials

Children in Montessori classrooms range from ages eight and up
an eight-year-old learns side-by-side with a three-year-old to simulate a real-life social environment

Children enter kindergarten during ages five to six, and many states do not begin mandating education until age seven


Pre school educations contribute towards the time bound development of child
A child of 3+ years for pre school educations
Early childhood is a development starts from infancy to 5 years
4 developments are considered during pre schooling
Most impressionable part of growth is 3-6 years
National curriculum committee decide the curriculum
RECEPTIVE INSTRUCTIONS: (provide instructions by lecture method or internet site)
DIRECTIVE INSTRUCTIONS: (computer based TUTORIALS lectures) need student respond and learning cycle completed
GUIDED DISCOVERY: (computer based simulations)
EXPLORATORY: open ended discussion method. open learning.


Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of students.
means koi grade dyna student ko at end of lecture, at end of syllabus after evaluation and evaluation ky liye test lyna zaruri hai.. means test is instrument.
Test is an instrument
Measurement is a numerical description
assessment is a systematical process intererpt the data measurement, make a data meaningful and comprehensible is called assessment
Evaluation make a judgement about something, to know the worth and value.
type of assessments:
1. Formative assessment including diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. (used to check learning and monitoring progress) means hr class LECTURE ky baad evaluate krna
2. Summative assessments are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period—typically at the end of a project, unit, course, semester, program, or school year. (means jo yearly exams hota hai us sy evaluate krna_
3. Diagnostic assessment is an essential device in a teacher's “tool kit”. It can be used to diagnose strengths and areas of need in all students. Diagnostic assessment involves the gathering and careful evaluation of detailed data using students' knowledge and skills in a given learning area. (students ki problem ko assess krna) (skills ya knowledge)
Assess achievement at the end of instruction is? ( Summative Assessment )
Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in? (Diagnostic Assessment)
Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in Diagnostic Assessment
Evaluation : the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
The process of determining the value or worth of anything is
( Evaluation)
At the highest level of hierarchy is
( Evaluation)
The highest level of cognitive domain is
( Evaluation)
Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is? ( Test )
A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is? (Test )
A sum of questions is? ( Test )
The least in scope is? (Test )
The process of obtaining numerical value is? (Measurement )
The first step in measurement is? ( Decision of what to measure)
Procedures used to determine person abilities is? ( Maximum performance test )
Frequently used tools of summative evaluation are? ( Test )


Topic 2  NON SALARY BUDGET (NSB): (FOR 9 scale)

Punjab Budget Education share in Budget is 21.4 percent in 2015-2016, which was 26 percent in 2013-2014.
To reduce the budgetary constraints of school
To reduce drop out
To improve & ensure retention of children in school
To empower school management and school council
To improve the school’s environment (physical & learning)
Programme Monitoring and implementation unit PMIU budget of 20.5 Billion Rs. has been allocated. (increase of 45 percent 6.3 billion Rs from recent fiscal year 2013-14)
Allocated amount 20.5 Billion Rs. include:
1. 14 billions Rs for NON SALARY BUDGET scheme under school councils.
2. 3.6 Billions Rs. for free Textbooks plus 29 Million Rs for their distribution for students under Punjab education sectors reform programme PESRP
3. 1.5 Billion Rs. for girls stipend. 290 Million Rs for Advertisements and publicity
Old mechanism of NSB was * calculations through incremental method and based on bargain. so allocation of the budget was low and unpredictable NSB execution was very irregular. Outcome was very low (3%) as compared to international standard (15%)
Under new mechanism. NSB is fixed at 15%. now NSB is formula based that is link with student enrollment. so now NSB formula is *need based* and allocations of fund will be predictable.
Utilization of NSB:
1. Provide functional Facilities.
2. Fixed School expenditures.
3. Basic student entitlements
4. Teacher and student furniture need.
Estimation of School Budget:
PMIU will allocate funds according to NSB formula.
PMIU will inform to EDO education and EDO(F&P)
Each schools will be inform about decided funds.
FUND will be directly drawing to School council (SC) Special drawing account (SDA)
FTF and other funds should not be mixed with NSB.
NSB should not used for:
Purchase of land
Any work which is not in premises of schools
Purchase of Vehicle
Any thing witch is not included in School Based Action Plan (SBAP)
SC and Head Teacher will prepare School’s vision
Objective will be prepared by SC and Head Teacher
Cost estimation of all needs will be done by SC and Head Teacher
Objectives set by govt. will be considered as per NSB Policy section 2.3
NSB fund’s outcomes (NSB Policy Section 2.3)
100% cleanliness of Building
100% cleanliness of Classrooms
100% cleanliness of Playground
100% cleanliness of Washrooms
90% teacher’s attendance
100% Functionalize available facilities i.e. electricity, drinking water, washrooms, boundary wall
100% repair of furniture
Preparation of Budget
SBAP Budget will be prepared for Primary & Elementary schools according to SC policy 2007.
Approval of SBAP
SC and school staff will prepare the SBAP
SBAP will be approved in SC meeting through voting according to SC policy 2007
Approved SBAP will be sent to AEO for review
AEO can point out/ objection on any item(s) and inform to SC in writing with CC to relevant Dy. DEO
Objections will be discussed in SC meeting and send the answer to Relevant Dy. DEO
Dy. DEO will solve the issue after visiting the school
Implementation of SBAP/ Budget
Funds will be transferred/ allocated from Special Drawing Accounts (SDAs) in SC account in 4 equal installments
School head teacher will be responsible to implement
Accounting of SBAP
Cash Book (Record for cash transaction)
Cash amount/ transaction will be recorded
Head teacher will paste the Receipts of purchased items and & CNIC copy of purchaser in paste file
School bank transactions detail (check #, date of issuance and name of person) will be entered in cash book
SC can permit to head teacher to carry any specific amount not more than Rs. 5000/- in hand for daily expenses
Head teacher can draw more than Rs. 5000/- as per need in one day
In case of Rs. 10000/- or above amounts for any item(s) will be paid through cross check
Inventory Register (Record for material detail)
Budget Register (School will prepare)
SBAP will be discussed and monitored in monthly SC meeting according to SC policy 2007
SC will check the progress on quarterly basis
School will send the quarterly expense report and progress report of SBAP to Dy. DEO and DMO (District Monitoring Officer)
SC will review the SBAP in quarterly meeting
Emended SBAP will be sent to AEO for approval according to the SC policy 2007
Audit of SBAP
Auditor General government of Pakistan can audit the incomes and expenditures
Govt. have liberty to nominate any 3rd party for audit
Audit will be made in selected schools every year



School need to proper manage records in order for legislative responsibility , ensured record are saved and disposed when permissible
meet administrative responsibilities of staff and student.

following are the registers maintained by school: Just read it dont need to remember. you should know register name only.
1.Stock Register
2.NSB Register
3.FTF Register
4.Cash Register
5.Bill Register
6.Correspondence Register
7.Withdrawl Register
8.Attendence Register
9.UPE / USE Register
10.Funds Register
11.Sports Register
12.Stationary Register
13.Certificatefile Register
14.Log book
15.Movement Register
16.Order Book
17.Parents Register
18.File of ACR Record
The ACR cannot be initiated for the period of less than
A. Two months
B. Three months
C. Five months
D. Four months
Answer is = B
19.File of DTE Record
20.Employee Service Books
21.File of Schools PEC and Other Results
22.Staff leave Record File
25.Audio-Visual Material(Map,Chart,Globe,Graph,Model,WhiteBoard,Projector,Radio,Tape Recorders etc)
26.All Gushwara Jat
27.Library Books
28.Sports Luggage



'Curriculum' comes from the Latin word ''curree'' which means 'to run'. It is a runway or course in which one runs to reach the set goals.
Following are the models of curriculum, which are mostly used:
1. Tyler Models
2. The Wheeler Models
3. The Lawton Model
there are many models but the best one is 'Tyler Models', which is proposed by Ralph W.Tyler's model also called Rational/ Objectives base model.
a). Identifying objectives ( means, what educational objectives should the school seek to attain)
b). Selecting the means for the attainment of these objectives ( what educational experiences as a means we can use to attain the purposes/objectives)
c). Organizing these means ( How can the above educational experiences be effectively organized for the attainment of these purposes.
d) Evaluating the outcomes (means how we can determine, weather we are successful in attaining the goals or not, if yes then who much we have attained these purpose/ Objectives.

BLOOM taxonomy created in 1956. 

By Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education.
Bloom has Three Domains of Learning
1. Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)
2. Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self)
we deal with things emotionally,
3. Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)
Cognitive Domain:
Affective domain:
Psychomotor: Action based
Guided response
Complex overt response


Children day November 20 
women day March 8, 
Bacha khan University attack :20 January 2016,
 Operation zarb e azab started 15 June 2014 
Gravitational waves discovery team include scientist Dr Nergis Mavalvala (Pakistani). 
Next SAARC summit ( in Kathmandu)

1=when Pakistan won the cricket world cup?(1992)
2=The National language of pakistan is:(Urdu)
3=The National Game of pakistan is:(Hockey)
4=Pakistan,s National tree is (Deodar)
5=Pakistan,s national juice is (Sugarcane juice)
6=National Bird of pak (Chukor)
7=NATIONAL Animal Of pak is ( Markhor)
8=Which is the oldest airline of pakistan?(oriented Airways)
9=Who is the national poet of pak?(Allama iqbal)
10=Who composed the verses of the National Anthem?( Hafeez Jallandhri)
11=When pakistan conducted its first series of nuclear explosions?(may 1998)
12=WHERE THE pakistan,s first radio station was setup?( Karachi)
13=Which is the most densely populated province of pakistan?( punjab)
14=Which is the thinly poplulated province of pakistan?(Baluchistan)
15=Which is the Largest univrsty of pak?(PU lhr)
16=The new name of micro finance bank is: ( Khashali Bank)
17=who composed the tune of National Anthem of pakistan?(Abdul karim chagla)
18=The First Rocket launched by pakistan was(Rahbar)
19=Which is the Largest jungle of pakistan?(Changa Manga)
20=When was the first women bank established in pakstn (Dec 1,1989)
21=What is the range of Ghauri 1 Missile?(1500Km)
22=What is the total length of "Line of control;(720 km)
23=When pakistans govt approved the national Anthem?(1954)
24=Chief Election commissioner of pakistan is appointed for the term of:(3 years)
25=The Number of Judges of Supreme court of pakistan is fixed at:(17)
26=imp..the no of amendments in the pakistans constitution r(19)
27=Picture printed of the Back of RS.5000 Note (Faisal Mosque)
28=A Senator is Elected in pakstn for (6 years)
29=When ,Jasmine, was selected as the national flower of pakistan?(1961)
30=Blind Dolphins r found in which river of pakistan(indus)

3) What was the major event of 1971?
Ans) Bangladesh broke away from Pakistan
4) When Musharraf overthrew the government of Nawaz Sharif what designation did he take?
Ans) Chief Executive
5) In which year did Pakistan win the Cricket World Cup?
Ans) 1992
6) When did Pakistan win Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time?
Ans) 1960
7) Which party was in power in North West Frontier Province at the time of independence?
Ans) Congress
8) When Sindh was annexed by the British what message was sent by Charles Napier to headquaters?
Ans) Peccavi
9) Where was General Pervez Musharraf born?
Ans) Delhi
10) Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir?
Ans) Lahore
11) Who succeeded Zia Ul Haque as President of Pakistan?
Ans) Ghulam Ishaq Khan
12) When did Pakistan become a Republic?
Ans) 23/3/1956
13) How many times did squash player Jansher Khan win World Open?
Ans) Eight
14) Who sang Mujko bhi zara lift kara de?
Ans) Adnan Sami
15) Who did the title role in the film Henna?
Ans) Zeba Bakhtiar
16) Which Indian Cardinal was from Karachi?
Ans) Valerian Gracias
17) Which is the national flower of Pakistan?
Ans) Jasmine
18) Who designed Pakistan’s national flag?
Ans) Ameer-ud-din Khidwai
19) Which military alliance had Pakistan as its member?
20) Who wrote Pakistan’s first national anthem?
Ans) Jagannath Azad
21) Which is the national language of Pakistan?
Ans) Urdu
22) How is Pakistan’s film industry known?
Ans) Lollywood
23) Which is the national animal of Pakistan?
Ans) Markhor
24) Which is the national bird of Pakistan?
Ans) Chakor
25) Which Pakistani Prime Minister received Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee when he arrived by bus to Lahore?
Ans) Nawaz Shariff
2nd largest city of Pakistan knsa h?
Aur Pakistan ny Olympic gold medal kab win kia first time?
Answer: Lahore;  In 1960 pakistan won first olympic gold medal
80 percent water in blood.
cultural capital of Pakistan is lahore
China Pak economic corridor $46 billion sign on 20 April 2015,

The last “Common Wealth” conference was held in:
27–29 November 2015
Participants: 52 (of 53 members)

National curriculum for EarlyChildEducation approved in 2007 
National Plan of action NAP for EFA (2001-2015)
EarlyChildEducation age group (3 to 5 years)

speaker of Punjab assembly Rana Muhammad Iqbal
Deputy speaker of Punjab assembly is Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani
Leader of opposition is Mian mehmmod ur Raseed -Punjab assebmly

Punjab School Education , Punjab Higher Education and Punjab youth Punjab Affairs ,Punjab Sports ,Punjab Archaeology and Punjab Tourism minister is Rana mashood ahmed khan



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