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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 By Anonymous

Research in Psychology


 “Systematic investigation
 to establish facts”

 Information gathering


 Variety of techniques are
 applied to “get into the
 minds of the people”

 What Research is?

 Attempt to achieve systematically and
 with the support of data the answer to
 a question, the resolution to a problem,
 or the greater understanding of a

 Generation of new information and
 testing of ideas

 Scientific Research

 Characteristics of scientific findings are:
 Ethical & Ideological neutrality

 Goals of Scientific Research





 Questions asked to
 reach the goal

 What happens?
 When and where does it
 How does it happen?

 Why does it happen?


 What will happen next?


 How can we influence this
 behavior or intervene in
 this situation?

 Goals of Psychological Research

 Description of social behavior

 Are people who grow up in warm climates different from
 those in cold climates?

 Establish a relationship between cause & effect

 Does heat cause higher amounts of aggression?

 Develop theories about why people behave the way
 that they do

 We dislike Duke students to feel better about ourselves


 Creating effective therapeutic treatments, more successful
 negotiation tactics, and greater understanding amongst
 groups of people

 Purposes of Research

 A research can be undertaken for two
 different purposes:

 To solve a currently existing problem
 (applied research)
 To contribute to the general body of
 knowledge in a particular area of interest
 (basic/fundamental research)

 The Scientific Research Process

 Identifying the
 Defining the
 Data collection
 Analyzing the data
 Preparing a report

 The Process of Doing Research

 First, select a topic

 Good theory:

 Has predictive power
 Is simple & straightforward

 Then, search the literature

 Find out what others have done
 that may be applicable to your
 area of interest

 The Process of Doing Research

 Next, formulate hypotheses

 Hypothesis: specific statement of
 expectation derived from theory

 State the relationship between two

 Variable: can be any event,
 characteristic, condition, or

 Let’s take a closer look . . .at variables

 Dependent variable (outcome variable)

 Dependent on the influence of other factor(s)
 How do we operationalize?

 Independent variable (predictor variable)

 Factor(s) that change the outcome variable
 How do we operationalize & manipulate?
 Control group

 The Process of Doing Research

 Then pick your research method

 Experimental vs. correlational ( Design)
 Field vs. laboratory (Setting)

 Finally, collect & analyze your

 Correlational research

 The purpose of correlational research is
 to discover relationships between two
 or more variables.
 Relationship means that an individuals
 status on one variable tends to reflect
 his or her status on the other.
 Helps us understand related events,
 conditions, and behaviors.

 Is there a relationship between educational
 levels of farmers and crop yields?

 To make predictions of how one
 variable might predict another

 Can high school grades be used to predict
 college grades?

 Correlational research


 Sometimes manipulation of variables is
 impossible or unethical
 Efficient – look at lots of data


 Could be a lurking variable

 Experimental Research

 Researcher manipulates one variable (IV)
 to see effect on other variable (DV)

 Try to hold everything else constant

 True experiments have

 Random sampling: selecting Ps randomly from
 Random assignment: chance assignment to

 Let’s take a closer look . . . at research

 Research methods used in psychology:
 Case Study
 Tests, Questionnaire, Survey

 Imp. Concepts in Research

 Population: any set of individuals (or objects) having some
 common observable characteristics.

 Sample: the subset of a population which represents the
 characteristics of the population.

 A sample consists of respondents or subjects

 An informant: a person from whom a linguist obtains
 information about language, dialect, or culture.

 A corpus is a collection of written or spoken material.

 A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes a possible
 explanation to some phenomenon or event


 Triangulation is an approach to data analysis
 that synthesizes data from multiple sources.
 a combination of Quantitative & Qualitative
 techniques are implied
 Ideas stemming from Qualitative research are
 tested empirically through Quantitative studies.
 Combined findings enable psychologists to
 design more meaningful and effective

 Major Limitations in
 Conducting a Research

 Access to resources
 Approval by authorities
 Ethical concerns

 Ethics in Research

 Should the study be done?

 Value vs. potential cost
 APA guidelines

 How do we protect Ps?

 Informed consent
 Confidentiality & anonymity

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