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Farough-e-Taleem Fund and Non Salary Budget

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016 By Anonymous

 Farough-e-Taleem Fund and Non Salary Budget 

Farough-e-Taleem fund

School Education department approve 20 rupees per mo...nth per students from all classes of English medium schools in order to improve the quality of education by meeting the teacher learning process.
Fund will be utilized for the welfare of the student.
Expenditure will be incurred through School council.
The head of institution will maintain the record of receipt and expenditure for purpose of audit.
Fine fund is a part of Farough-e-Taleem fund. Fine fund will be range from 0.25 to 1 Rs per absence from students. (charged from high and middle schools)
Account of Farough-e-Taleem will be open and operate in name of head of the institution and expenditure incurred with the approval of school council
FTF can use for 36 purposes.
School council shall authorize 4 Lakh per financial year. (from July to June every year)
57.5% funds are self-generated by the schools and
Farogh-e-Taleem fund constitutes about 36.6% of the total income of the schools. About 97% of the parents informed of paying the FTF every month.

School council expenditure: expenditure of the temporary appointment of teacher (part time) will be paid 2500 Rs per month. School council can't held more than two temporary teachers.
Temporary part time teacher minimum education will be F.A F.sc.
Financial Procedure for School council:
EDO (Executive District Officer) education collects the list of account number of all schools through deputy DEO and submit to DCO/EDO for approval

District account officers pass the bills of grants of amount sanctioned by EDO F&P (Finance and Planning) AND DCO and Amount will be transferred to School council account.
EDO education will monitor the account the account of school council through deputy DEO/DEO/s


 Literacy means ability to read write listen and speak and numeracy means to calculate
This initiative is part commitment of ministry of education to achieve education for all (EFA) goals.
EFA Aim was to provide the learning opportunities to age of 10+ population who never went to school.
Numeracy involves numbers and other mathematical concepts
Numeracy enable u to develop logical thinking in life.
Slate should be used by class 3 students.
Mandatory use of slate was notified on 23 feb 2015
First level of Numeracy and literacy demands count and recognize of figure of 1 to 1000.

Note: FTF was came into being in 1 oct 2014 and NSB in fiscal year 2013-14

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