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Serial key of Internet download manger

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By Anonymous

Serial key of Internet download manger

Step 1.

Install internet download manger from idm web site and after installation.

Step 2.

Go to Registration Tab.

Enter a in field of name also in field of email and date, in short fill all fields with a

Step 3.

Enter this key to register you Internet Download manger for free


and your internet download will be registered and never ask you for key :)


Adobe Photoshop CS5 - Final

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Adobe Photoshop CS5 - Final | (155 MB only)



Windows Shortcuts

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Windows Shortcuts

Run Commands:Windows Shortcuts

Code: Select all
compmgmt.msc - Computer management
devmgmt.msc - Device manager
diskmgmt.msc - Disk management
dfrg.msc - Disk defrag
eventvwr.msc - Event viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders
gpedit.msc - Group policies
lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups
perfmon.msc - Performance monitor
rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies
secpol.msc - Local security settings
services.msc - Various Services
msconfig - System Configuration Utility
regedit - Registry Editor
msinfo32 _ System Information
sysedit _ System Edit
win.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini)
winver _ Shows current version of windows
mailto: _ Opens default email client
command _ Opens command prompt

Run Commands to access the control panel:
Code: Select all
Add/Remove Programs control appwiz.cpl
Date/Time Properties control timedate.cpl
Display Properties control desk.cpl
FindFast control findfast.cpl
Fonts Folder control fonts
Internet Properties control inetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Properties control main.cpl keyboard
Mouse Properties control main.cpl
Multimedia Properties control mmsys.cpl
Network Properties control netcpl.cpl
Password Properties control password.cpl
Printers Folder control printers
Sound Properties control mmsys.cpl sounds
System Properties control sysdm.cpl

Command Prompt:
Code: Select all
ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.
ARP Displays, adds, and removes arp information from network devices.
ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
ASSOC View the file associations.
AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.
BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
CACLS View and modify file ACL's.
CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.
CD Changes directories.
CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.
CHDIR Changes directories.
CHKDSK Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Opens the command interpreter.
COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.
COMP Compares files.
COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.
CONTROL Open control panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.
DATE View or change the systems date.
DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.
DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.
DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
DIR List the contents of one or more directory.
DISABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.
DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.
DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.
DOSSHELL A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
EDIT View and edit files.
EDLIN View and edit files.
EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.
ENABLE Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.
ENDLOCAL Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.
ERASE Erase files from computer.
EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.
EXPAND Expand a M*cros*ft Windows file back to it's original format.
EXTRACT Extract files from the M*cros*ft Windows cabinets.
FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.
FC Compare files.
FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
FIND Search for text within a file.
FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.
FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.
FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.
FOR Boolean used in batch files.
FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.
FTP Command to connect and operate on a FTP server.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.
IFSHLP.SYS 32-bit file manager.
IPCONFIG Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.
KEYB Change layout of keyboard.
LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.
LH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LISTSVC Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.
LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.
LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.
LOGON Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.
MAP Displays the device name of a drive.
MD Command to create a new directory.
MEM Display memory on system.
MKDIR Command to create a new directory.
MODE Modify the port or display settings.
MORE Display one page at a time.
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
MSAV Early M*cros*ft Virus scanner.
MSD Diagnostics utility.
MSCDEX Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.
NBTSTAT Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT
NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.
NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.
NLSFUNC Load country specific information.
NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.
PATH View and modify the computers path location.
PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.
PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.
PING Test / send information to another network computer or network device.
POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.
POWER Conserve power with computer portables.
PRINT Prints data to a printer port.
PROMPT View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.
QBASIC Open the QBasic.
RD Removes an empty directory.
REN Renames a file or directory.
RENAME Renames a file or directory.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.
RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.
SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.
SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
SET Change one variable or string to another.
SETLOCAL Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.
SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.
SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
SHIFT Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.
SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.
SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.
SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.
TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
TIME View or modify the system time.
TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.
TRACERT Visually view a network packets route across a network.
TREE View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.
TYPE Display the contents of a file.
UNDELETE Undelete a file that has been deleted.
UNFORMAT Unformat a hard disk drive.
UNLOCK Unlock a disk drive.
VER Display the version information.
VERIFY Enables or disables the feature to determine if files have been written properly.
VOL Displays the volume information about the designated drive.
XCOPY Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
TRUENAME When placed before a file, will display the whole directory in which it exists
TASKKILL It allows you to kill those unneeded or locked up applications

Windows XP Shortcuts:
Code: Select all
ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected item
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they were opened
ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window
ALT+TAB Switch between open items
ALT+Underlined letter Display the corresponding menu
BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
CTRL+A Select all
CTRL+I Italics
CTRL+O Open an item
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+F4 Close the active document
CTRL while dragging Copy selected item
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging Create shortcut to selected iteM
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
ESC Cancel the current task
F1 Displays Help
F2 Rename selected item
F3 Search for a file or folder
F4 Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the active window
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
SHIFT+CTRL+ESC Launches Task Manager
SHIFT when you insert a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing
WIN Display or hide the Start menu
WIN+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
WIN+D Minimizes all Windows and shows the Desktop
WIN+E Open Windows Explorer
WIN+F Search for a file or folder
WIN+F+CTRL Search for computers
WIN+L Locks the desktop
WIN+M Minimize or restore all windows
WIN+R Open the Run dialog box
WIN+TAB Switch between open items

Windows Explorer Shortcuts:
Code: Select all
ALT+SPACEBAR - Display the current window’s system menu
SHIFT+F10 - Display the item's context menu
CTRL+ESC - Display the Start menu
ALT+TAB - Switch to the window you last used
ALT+F4 - Close the current window or quit
CTRL+A - Select all items
CTRL+X - Cut selected item(s)
CTRL+C - Copy selected item(s)
CTRL+V - Paste item(s)
CTRL+Z - Undo last action
CTRL+(+) - Automatically resize the columns in the right hand pane
TAB - Move forward through options
ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Move forward to a previous view
ALT+LEFT ARROW - Move backward to a previous view
SHIFT+DELETE - Delete an item immediately
BACKSPACE - View the folder one level up
ALT+ENTER - View an item’s properties
F10 - Activate the menu bar in programs
F6 - Switch between left and right panes
F5 - Refresh window contents
F3 - Display Find application
F2 - Rename selected item

Internet Explorer Shortcuts:
Code: Select all
CTRL+A - Select all items on the current page
CTRL+D - Add the current page to your Favorites
CTRL+E - Open the Search bar
CTRL+F - Find on this page
CTRL+H - Open the History bar
CTRL+I - Open the Favorites bar
CTRL+N - Open a new window
CTRL+O - Go to a new location
CTRL+P - Print the current page or active frame
CTRL+S - Save the current page
CTRL+W - Close current browser window
CTRL+ENTER - Adds the http://www. (url) .com
SHIFT+CLICK - Open link in new window
BACKSPACE - Go to the previous page
ALT+HOME - Go to your Home page
HOME - Move to the beginning of a document
TAB - Move forward through items on a page
END - Move to the end of a document
ESC - Stop downloading a page
F11 - Toggle full-screen view
F5 - Refresh the current page
F4 - Display list of typed addresses
F6 - Change Address bar and page focus
ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Go to the next page
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB - Move back between frames
SHIFT+F10 - Display a shortcut menu for a link
SHIFT+TAB - Move back through the items on a page
CTRL+TAB - Move forward between frames
CTRL+C - Copy selected items to the clipboard
CTRL+V - Insert contents of the clipboard
ENTER - Activate a selected link
HOME - Move to the beginning of a document
END - Move to the end of a document
F1 - Display Internet Explorer Help............




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Full web stack
No browser required

PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.
PhantomJS is created by Ariya Hidayat.

PhantomJS is an optimal solution for

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Source Code

Download phantomjs-1.8.1-source.zip (38.7 MB) and follow the build instructions.


Google Chrome Portable

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Google Chrome Portable
Download Now Secure Download


Google Chrome is a free Web browser that's become a legitimate contender due to its speed and versatility. It's especially easy for programmers to create and share extensions that add useful capabilities to the basic Chrome engine and framework. We looked at Google Chrome Portable, a portable version of Chrome from PortableApps. PortableApps modifies popular open source programs for portability, packaging them with an installer that copies the program file to a destination of your choice, which can be on your hard drive or a removable device such as a USB drive or memory stick. All you have to do is click the executable file to run the program without having to install it in Windows or alter the directory.



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Download Now CNET Installer Enabled

CNET Editors' note: Beta or prerelease software is not intended for inexperienced users, as the software may contain bugs or potentially damage your system. We strongly recommend that users exercise caution and save all mission-critical data before installing and/or using this software.
CNET Editors' review

by: CNET staff on August 08, 2011

Facebook fanatics should check out RockMelt, a free Web browser that integrates Facebook in its features and interface. It's based on the same open-source browser kernel as Google Chrome, so it's fast and versatile. RockMelt displays your friends, services, and other Facebook features right inside its interface. It's incredibly easy to share stuff with friends, too. While RockMelt works perfectly well as an everyday browser, it's specially configured for Facebook users, and its integrated features may be less appealing to others.

When we opened RockMelt for the first time, the setup wizard contacted Facebook and offered to sign us in. While it's possible to skip this step by clicking Cancel and continuing the setup, two things nevertheless became apparent: 1) When RockMelt says it's integrated with Facebook, that's no idle boast; and 2) If you don't live on Facebook, this level of integration may not be welcome, for security reasons as much as for convenience.

Since RockMelt is based on the Chromium kernel, it has a familiar feel. It adds some unique features, such as slender sidebars for displaying online friends and status updates. We clicked the Quick Guide link, which focused on its unique Facebook-oriented features like Publish, for updating your Facebook page without leaving your current page; Add Apps, for adding extensions to the App Edge toolbar; and Share, which let us quickly share Web pages, including comments. You can search from the address bar, as in Chrome, or in a separate search field. A drop-down menu in the upper left corner gave us access to the full range of menus and options found in Chromium-based browsers.

RockMelt saves tons of time and effort over using Facebook via a conventional browser. But if you don't spend most of your online time on Facebook, its heavy level of integration and the associated privacy and security issues might be a drawback. The browser is a work in progress, too, and will doubtless change as Facebook changes. Facebook fans will Like it, we're guessing!
Publisher's Description
From RockMelt:

RockMelt lets you share, chat, publish updates, and stay in touch on Facebook, It alerts you of updates to your favorite websites automatically and searches and previews results faster. You can synchronize your bookmarks, preferences, feeds, apps, favorite friends, and more across your computers automatically It supports Chrome extensions and add-ons.

Read more: RockMelt - CNET Download.com http://download.cnet.com/RockMelt/3000-2356_4-75325139.html#ixzz2HZ4Q9loV



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Free Download
Impressive social networking browser
Articles RockMelt
Support for Flock browser to be discontinued
Top alternatives to Firefox, Chrome and IE

RockMelt is a social browser that integrates Facebook and Twitter, making them a part of your browser interface, not separate tabs.

Built on the open source Chromium project, RockMelt is unusual for a browser in that you have to log in to use it properly. It looks like Google Chrome with two slim sidebars. On the left is a Facebook bar with all your online friends, and on the right a notifications bar, that houses pop-ups for your Facebook wall, Twitter feed plus any RSS feeds you want. You cannot add email at the moment.

Clicking the Facebook or Twitter button opens a neat window for the appropriate feed. You can disconnect these window, and float them anywhere on your desktop. The same is true of chats on the left sidebar. Next to the address bar RockMelt has a Share button, allowing you to quickly post interesting links to Facebook or Twitter.

If you're a heavy Twitter and Facebook user, RockMelt will really suit you. It's fast, very well thought-out and the social integration is better than anything else available. It may be in Beta, but RockMelt looks and feels like a finished product already.

RockMelt is a genuinely excellent social browser, building on the already great Chrome to make a uniquely attractive and useful application. Essential.

Click the 'Connect for an Invitation' button on the RockMelt home page to sign up as a beta tester.
Read more
Fantastic social integration
Feature rich and fast
None so far
Free Download


iCare Data Recovery

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iCare Data Recovery Pro 5.0.6 with license



Microsoft Office

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By Anonymous

Microsoft Office 2013 x86/x64 Direct download + Activation

Office 2013 setup 
1. Extract Office_2013_RTM2VL_1.3.zip (password: TheWiz
2. Put Office ISO in same folder where Office2013.TheWiz.cmd is. 
3. Run Office2013.TheWiz.cmd (10x to Stannieman 4 Convert to VL) 
4. Wait to setup to finish. 

If you have problem, you can try opening IMG file alone (Using WinRAR, PowerISO...) and then extract my Office_2013_RTM2VL in same folder where setup.exe is. Then runOffice2013.TheWiz.cmd

Office 2013 Activate 

1. Install KMSnano_X.0_TheWiz.exe (Password TheWiz) (10x to heldigard) 

2. Wait installing KMS server finish 

If window KMS GUI don't close in 5min, you can close it manual, click X. 

                                                                              3. Done 

4. Set Server IP to 

5. Select your program 

6. Click "Check Status" 

7. Done! .

                            Download Link 1

                            Download link 2


Avast Anti virus

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By Anonymous

Avast Anti virus 2038



or Download Here from this link
Latest Version



Driver Scannr 2013

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By Anonymous

Driver Scannr 2013

Built with simplicity in mind, DriverScanner makes driver updates fast and safe and everything can be done in a few easy clicks:
1. Scan Scan your PC and DriverScanner will list your outdated drivers, offering the new versions as released by the manufacturers of your hardware
 2. Download Download your new drivers quickly and securely.
 3. Update Install each driver update safely with a single click.


Internet Download Manager (IDM)

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By Anonymous

internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.14 Final Build 3 Pre ACtivated by RAC NO CRACK OR ACTIVATION NEEDED!



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