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Government of The Punjab, Punjab School Education Department (Recruitment Test for Educators 2016-2017)

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By Hassan

Government of The Punjab,

Punjab School Education Department

(Recruitment Test for Educators 2016-2017)


List of Candidates For the Posts of
Elementary School Educator (BPS-9)
Secondary School Educator (Biology) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Chemistry) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Computer Science) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Mathematics) (BPS-16)
Secondary School Educator (Physics) (BPS-16)
Senior Elementary School Educator (Arabic) (BPS-14)
Senior Elementary School Educator (DM) (BPS-14)
Senior Elementary School Educator (English) (BPS-14)

Test Dates : Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd October 2016


Free Picture Resizer (Reduces the Picture size in kilo/megabits/By size/By Percentage)

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By Hassan


  1. Resize pictures 
  2. Convert them to the BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF format.
  3. The user interface of the program consists of a standard window which doesn't contain any hidden options.
  4. Gtarted by inputting the source images via the file browser (the "drag and drop" method is not supported but batch processing is).
  5. You can copy the entire directory structure or images stored in subfolders, as well as select the new size (keep 100%, equal width or height; or you can just adjust the size of a larger dimension).
  6. Select one of the  file formats for the output (or just keep the original one).
  7. Check the options to enlarge the picture if needed, to apply a grayscale filter and to save the EXIF data.
  8. Adjust the DPI level, move the sample image to the center or top left part of the screen, make it landscape or portrait, or simply apply the settings recommended by PIXresizer with the simple click of a button.
  9. The program takes up a very low amount of system CPU and memory, contains a well-drawn help file with tutorials and snapshots, and didn't pop up any errors during our tests.
  10. On the other hand, PIXresizer can take a long time to process several pictures but even so, the outputs have a very good image quality. 
  11. Recommend this software to all users.




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