What is HTML....1
Posted in Learn HTML
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By Anonymous
What is HTML..?
HTML stands for " hypertext markup language" . HTML is a language that is used to build web pages. To create create a webpage in HTML we use 'tags' for example to establish a link we a link tag which is seems like "<href>" or to write a paragraph we use "<p>" So all of the the websites are collection these tags that make a complete webpage.
Tools to make a web page in HTML
Usually notepad++ , adobe Dreamweaver and net-beans software are used to create website however you can also use simple text file by changing it's extension to " .HTML"How to make a tag..?
To make a tag in HTML, we write "<" then we tag name e.g if it is paragraph tag then we use p then we use ">" to complete the tag:Example1
When we write start that is given in example1 then we have to terminate it to write a new tag, to terminate a tag we use "/" as given in example below:
Now if you want to write a paragraph then we it in paragraph tag, Lets start HTML by
Writing Body of web page go for next tutorial#2...