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By Anonymous
Dear Business Communication Students:
As we release the Seventh Edition of Essentials of Business
Communication, I must confess that this is the best edition yet!
Essentials continues to provide a cost-effective three-in-one
learning package: (1) authoritative textbook, (2) practical workbook,
and (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook.
Communication, I must confess that this is the best edition yet!
Essentials continues to provide a cost-effective three-in-one
learning package: (1) authoritative textbook, (2) practical workbook,
and (3) self-teaching grammar/mechanics handbook.
I’m particularly excited about this edition because it brings you
valuable workplace information. Let me describe a few of this
edition’s unparalleled features:
Increased Emphasis on Professionalism. Content in every chapter helps you
develop oral, written, and nonverbal skills that make you sound and look credible
as well as promotable.
Enhanced Coverage of Communication Technologies. The Seventh Edition
demonstrates how the world of work is being changed by IP telephony, company
intranets, wireless networks, Wi-Fi, voice recognition, videoconferencing, presence
technology, and many other advances.
Strengthened Grammar/Mechanics Review Materials. New Grammar/Mechanics
Checkups in the textbook, as well as new digital Advanced Grammar/Mechanics
Checkups and “Your Personal Language Trainer,” help you revive rusty skills. No other
textbook provides a better grammar/mechanics review program using both digital and
print to build confidence and skills.
New Writing Coach Feature. A step-by-step demonstration of the composition of
e-mails, memos, and letters shows you how to compose and revise messages.
Expanded Coverage of Résumés. New model documents emphasize a summary of
qualifications and new cover letters. You also learn how to optimize your résumé for
today’s technologies.