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WIRELESS NETWORKS by Williant Stallings

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WIRELESS NETWORKS by Williant Stallings

Wireless technology has become the most exciting area in telecommunications and networking.
The rapid growth of mobile telephone use, various satellite services, and now the wireless
Internet and wireless LANs are generating tremendous changes in telecommunications and



Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach SECOND EDITION by Stuart Russell Peter Norvig

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Artificial Intelligence :  A Modern Approach SECOND EDITION by  Stuart Russell Peter Norvig

The book is divided into eight parts. Part I, Artificial Intelligence, offers a view of the A1 enterprise
based around the idea of intelligent agents-systems that can decide what to do and then do it. Part
11, Problem Solving, concentrates on methods for deciding what to do when one needs to think ahead
several steps-for example in navigating across a country or playing chess. Part 111, Knowledge and
Reasoning, discusses ways to represent knowledge about the world-how it works, what it is currently
like, and what one's actions inight do-and how to reason logically with that knowledge. Part IV,
Planning, then discusses how to use these reasoning methods to decide what to do, particularly by
constructing plans. Part V, Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning, is analogous to Parts I11 and IV,
but it concentrates on reasoning and decision making in the presence of uncertainty about the world,
as might be faced, for example, by a system for medical diagnosis and treatment.



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