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how to make real money

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 By Anonymous

I Make Real Money on the Internet and I'm Just a Stay at Home Mom!

I'm a stay at home mom and make real money on the internet while at home. There are many legitimate ways to make money on the internet. I'm not going to say it's easy or it's fast, because making money online takes work and determination. Anyone that claims it's fast and easy is trying to scam you. But, if you have the time and desire to earn money online, then it can be done.

Since quitting my job as a high school English teacher to become a stay at home mom, I've discovered numerous legitimate ways to earn money online without spending any money at all. There are plenty of free online money making opportunities out there, you just have to search for them and give some a try. Then stick with the ones that work best for you. Keep reading to learn how to earn money through the internet.

How I Got Started Earning Money Online

My story...

I quit my job as a teacher to be a full time mom. I stayed at home with my baby girl and wasn't working at all. Then one day that all changed...

It was a normal day for my daughter and I. She was taking her morning nap and I was drinking my coffee while watching Good Morning America. Diane Sawyer was doing a story about Google's AdSense. I had never heard of AdSense or even pay per click advertising before seeing this piece on GMA. Diane interviewed two senior citizens who were making a full time income from their content sites by running Google's AdSense ads. I thought to myself, "hmm, I can do that." After all, I had the time. I'm an English teacher, so I know how to write. I had little computer and internet knowledge at the time, but I could learn.

I decided that I could really help out with our finances by earning money online. I trusted the Google name and new that GMA wouldn't have reported on the AdSense program if it weren't legitimate. All I needed to get started was a website. I wasn't sure what to do, so I spent my time learning more about AdSense. I then decided to do a website about making money with AdSense. I used Google Pages because it's a free way to create websites and Google hosts them for free. The website I created isn't impressive by any means because I was totally new to the whole concept. 

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