hack facebook account - How to hack someone's facebook account
Posted in cookie stealing, facebook hack, forgot password option, keylogger, pishing, social engineering, spy software
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012 By Anonymous
One of the reason people think to have in into fb accounts because it’s not any other social networking site is as popular as it is as it has almost more than 800 million of users.
Now let’s talk about those tools we already addressed before briefly !
Key logger:
Using key loggers is the easy and simple way to hack someones Facebook account. Key loggers are actually software program that can monitor each and every activity in Facebook, when they get installed in a computer. If a user has physical access to the machine that is being used by the person who is going to be hacked, then the person only have to install the program in the machine. Soon the hacker will start receiving details to take control of the fb. However, if you are not physically attached with the machine it will be a bit difficult to crack the cookie and hack someones Facebook account. Now you want to know how to use the program? There are a few websites which deals in key logger program. If you shop online you will get the information of using the software easily.
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Now let’s talk about those tools we already addressed before briefly !
Key logger:
Using key loggers is the easy and simple way to hack someones Facebook account. Key loggers are actually software program that can monitor each and every activity in Facebook, when they get installed in a computer. If a user has physical access to the machine that is being used by the person who is going to be hacked, then the person only have to install the program in the machine. Soon the hacker will start receiving details to take control of the fb. However, if you are not physically attached with the machine it will be a bit difficult to crack the cookie and hack someones Facebook account. Now you want to know how to use the program? There are a few websites which deals in key logger program. If you shop online you will get the information of using the software easily.
Wondering how to hack Facebook profile? Phishing process has so far been considered the widely used and most recommended method to hack someones Facebook account. This method helps to sent fake and unauthorized login pages. When the user on the opposite end mistakenly takes it as an fb site and tries to get logged in, the page displays an error as invalid password or username.
It also happens sometime that the page routes to the real Facebook page when it receives the login details. Once a user gives the login details, the entire information is then sent to another user who has created the page. The user can then easily use these data without wondering how to hack fb account. Following the Phishing option is better than using key logger as the users don’t have to be in the machine physically and it takes less time to hack someones Facebook account, if compared with key logger.
Spy software:
Using spy software is another easy option to hack someones Facebook account. Spy software is actually a tool which is being used to hack everything a user does in a system. What are the preferred sites of the user, what is his or her fb password all information can be hacked easily with the help of spy software? Nowadays many companies are selling this software but the problem with the tool is that the as manufacturers are abide by ethics and laws, they are bound to mention warnings in the software that notify a user whose machine it monitors. The software solves the purpose of parents and employees the best and works its best to hack fb account of remote areas. It is very easy to install the software on the users system. The difference between using other hacking software and spy software is that this tool can take:
Screen shots and capture every data.
Even if the user deletes the messages hacker can see them in the screenshot log of the software.
Can perform much better than other software to catch cheater.
Want to know what are the other ways to hack someones Facebook account? Here we go.
Forget password option:
If the user, whose account you want to hack is known to you then you can opt for the using “forgot password” link to enter in the account of the user. You can choose the primary address to hack and then mention the alternative id to hack the users’ fb account easily. Sometime it proves wondrous to hack someones Facebook account following the forget password option. However, the key factor of hacking ones account using the forget password option is to give the exact personal information and this is possible only when the victim is pretty well known to the hacker.
Social engineering:
It may sound as an unworthy option as people didn’t accept the method so heartily at the beginning, but this is now being used widely to get access to personal fb account of individual users, especially of friends. Social engineering is actually a method of recovering a user’s password to get answer of security queries simply by asking a few questions to the victim. However, while following the method you have to be very careful as the victim should not be aware of what you are trying to do. You have to ask questions logically to avoid any kind of risks
Cookie stealing:
Facebook cookie stealing is another effective and easy way to hack fb account of different users. Facebook cookie stealing is becoming a popular option in every next minute. The cookies which are being used in fb to authenticate the user are known as Datr. If a hacker can easily access these authentication cookies it will take him hardly a minute to get access to your entire personal information, data and messages in fb. His next job will be to inject those cookies in his personal browser and soon he or she will get access to the users account.
It also happens sometime that the page routes to the real Facebook page when it receives the login details. Once a user gives the login details, the entire information is then sent to another user who has created the page. The user can then easily use these data without wondering how to hack fb account. Following the Phishing option is better than using key logger as the users don’t have to be in the machine physically and it takes less time to hack someones Facebook account, if compared with key logger.
Spy software:
Using spy software is another easy option to hack someones Facebook account. Spy software is actually a tool which is being used to hack everything a user does in a system. What are the preferred sites of the user, what is his or her fb password all information can be hacked easily with the help of spy software? Nowadays many companies are selling this software but the problem with the tool is that the as manufacturers are abide by ethics and laws, they are bound to mention warnings in the software that notify a user whose machine it monitors. The software solves the purpose of parents and employees the best and works its best to hack fb account of remote areas. It is very easy to install the software on the users system. The difference between using other hacking software and spy software is that this tool can take:
Screen shots and capture every data.
Even if the user deletes the messages hacker can see them in the screenshot log of the software.
Can perform much better than other software to catch cheater.
Want to know what are the other ways to hack someones Facebook account? Here we go.
Forget password option:
If the user, whose account you want to hack is known to you then you can opt for the using “forgot password” link to enter in the account of the user. You can choose the primary address to hack and then mention the alternative id to hack the users’ fb account easily. Sometime it proves wondrous to hack someones Facebook account following the forget password option. However, the key factor of hacking ones account using the forget password option is to give the exact personal information and this is possible only when the victim is pretty well known to the hacker.
Social engineering:
It may sound as an unworthy option as people didn’t accept the method so heartily at the beginning, but this is now being used widely to get access to personal fb account of individual users, especially of friends. Social engineering is actually a method of recovering a user’s password to get answer of security queries simply by asking a few questions to the victim. However, while following the method you have to be very careful as the victim should not be aware of what you are trying to do. You have to ask questions logically to avoid any kind of risks
Cookie stealing:
Facebook cookie stealing is another effective and easy way to hack fb account of different users. Facebook cookie stealing is becoming a popular option in every next minute. The cookies which are being used in fb to authenticate the user are known as Datr. If a hacker can easily access these authentication cookies it will take him hardly a minute to get access to your entire personal information, data and messages in fb. His next job will be to inject those cookies in his personal browser and soon he or she will get access to the users account.
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