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Wednesday, December 26, 2012 By Anonymous

Emergence Of Psychology

Psychology as the study of Conscious

 The science of psychology had its formal

beginning in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt
(1832-1920), a German psychologist set up a
laboratory at the University of Leipzig to study
mind/mental activities. He studied the
conscious experience of mind through


 Earlier he devoted attention on studying the

building blocks of the mind. Later he defined
psychology as the study of conscious
experiences, he found the system of
psychology known as “ Structuralism”.

Psychology as the study of Conscious

 Formally defining psychology as the study of

Conscious experience ,he developed a model
that came to be known as Structuralism.

 Structuralism: An early approach to

psychology which focused on the
fundamental elements that form the
foundation of thinking , consciousness,
emotions , and other kinds of mental states
and activities.

 Using introspection , Wundt presented his

trained subjects with a stimulus such as bright
green object and asked them to describe it in
their own words.
 He thought that we can understand the
structure of mind through the reports of


 William James was the founder of this School

of thought. He was influenced by Darwin’s
work and he believed that psychology should
explain the functions of consciousness as it
influences behavior.
 Functionalist used not only introspection to
study behavior but also used tests, surveys
and experimental techniques to study
functions of psychology as science of

Psychology as the study of
unconscious processes

 Sigmund Freud(1856-1939), an Austrian

physician was the founder of psychoanalytical
 He specialized in the disorders of the nervous
 He observed that some of his patients had
nothing physically wrong with them, even
though they had symptoms of physical illness

Psychology as the study of
unconscious processes

 ( headaches, exhaustion, insomnia and so

forth). He suspected that mental conflicts lay
behind these symptoms_ conflicts that had
been pushed out of normal awareness and
into a part of mind called “ unconscious”.
 He believed that if unconscious conflicts
could be brought into patient’s consciousness
, they would

Psychology as the study of
unconscious processes

 lose their power to control the patient’s life.

 He used psychoanalytic technique to uncover

unconscious conflicts of his patients.
 Freud helped his patients to interpret and
understand their mental problems.
 He called his approach to treatment as

Psychology as the study of
unconscious processes

 Freud believed that early past experiences of

which a person is unaware significantly
influence his current behavior.
 He treated people with psychological
 Criticism:
 Freud laid strong emphasis on sex and
aggression but did not fully explain
consciousness and human behavior.

Psychology as the study of Individual

 Individual psychology is a term used

specifically to refer to the psychological
method or science founded by the Viennese
psychologist Alfred Adler.
 The term individual psychology can also be
used more generally to refer to what is more
commonly known as differential psychology
or the psychology of individual differences ,
which study the ways in which individual
people differ in their behavior.


 Adler was among the co-founders of the

psychoanalytic movement as a core member
of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.
 The concept of 'individual psychology' was
formulated in the process in which Adler
broke away from the psychoanalytic school of
Sigmund Freud.


 Adler called his theory Individual Psychology

because he felt that each person was unique
and no previous theory can be applied to all
 He also emphasized the training of parents,
teachers, social workers and so on to allow a
child to exercise their power through
reasoned decision making whilst co-operating
with others.

Psychology as the study of Observable

 In 1913, another American psychologist John

Watson (1878-1958) because the founder of
the School of thought known as Behaviorism.
 He believed that psychology should be the
Science of Overt Behavior. He rejected the
ideas of structuralists and Functionalists.


 He called psychology as the Science of overt

behavior that can be observed and studied
through objective measurement.

 He believed that psychology should be hard

science, like physics and chemistry.

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