Important Information For EDUCATORS
Posted in educator, educator jobs
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Monday, February 29, 2016 By Anonymous
Important Information For
Q1=inspection Officers of education department the particulars,merits,demarits,and views in(Log Book)
Q2=Which Register is used to convey the orders to Head Institution and Govt. to employee(Order book)
Q3= The accession register is a unique and irreplaceable official administrative document that establishes the museum's legal right of ownership. It contains key information about the museum's objects and serves as the basis for setting up its entire documentation system.
Q4=Correspondence Register consists of ( daily Letters etc)
Q5=Movement Register is written to charge and responsibility of Institution to Other Person.
Q6=Service Book is an employee job record.
Q7=Purchased Items of Institutions are written in Stock Register.
Q8= Children are not admitted age of 4-9 written in ( UPE Register)
Q9=Employee show their presence in Register ( Attendance Register)
Q10=For how many consecutive days absence without leave name of girls shall be struck off the rolls(10)
Q11= For how many consecutive days absence without leave name of Boys shall be struck off the rolls(06)
Q12=When is stock annually checked or physically verified(30Th June)
Q13=How much concession in fees is admissible for brothers/sisters of a students in (Half)
Q14=What is minor penalty under E& D rules (Censure)(Without promotion of increaments)(Stoppage of efficiency Bar)
Q15= What is major penalty under E& D rules(Reductionto a lower grade and recovery of loss)
(Compulsory retirement)(Removal & Dismissal from Service)
Q16=Casual Leaves per annum are(25)
Q17=Maximum causal leaves sanctioned at time under special circumstances are(15)
Q18= Maximum causal leaves sanctioned at time under ordinary circumstances are(10)
Q19=Earned leaves that civil a servant in vacation department can avail month(one)
Q20=Earned leaves that a civil servant in non-vacational department can avail per moth(four)
Q21=Who belongs to vocational Department(Teacher)
Q22=The earned leaves account of Gazetted servants is maintained by(District Account Officer)
Q23=The maximum period of leave on full pay without medical certificate is(120 days)
Q24= The maximum period of leave on full pay that can be granted at one time with medical certificate is(180 days)
Q25=The leave that cannot be refused is ( Medical Leave)
Q26=The maximum period of leave without pay is ( 5 years)
Q27=The maximum period of leave preparatory to retirement is (365 days)
Q28=The Salary is given as leave encashment for (180 Days)
Q29=The Condition for leave encashment for ( Complete 30 Years of Service)(Surrender LPR)
Q30=The Period of Maternity leave is ( 90 Days)
Q31=Maternity Leave can be availed by ladies in non-vocational departments (Three Times)
Q32=Maternity Leave can be availed by ladies in vocational departments (All theTimes)
Q33=The Period of study leave for the degree of Doctorate is ( Three Years)
Q34=The budget in which grants for new construction are demanded is(Development Budget)
Q35=The Budget in which salaries of employees are demanded is(Non-Development Budget)
Q36=The share of Science fund in union fund at Elementary Level is ( 25%)
Q37=The Least distance for which travelling Allowance can be availed is(16K.M)
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